— SKIN: The 5 Best Supplements for Hydrating Dry Skin from the Inside Out

We should provide our skin essential needs to help the skin function in its correct way. HOW? let’s dive in:



Why are Omega’s helpful for dry skin?

  • Essential fatty acids are essential for helping skin retain moisture skin to look and feel soft and supple
  • If we’re not getting enough of these omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, the skin’s barrier function becomes weakened… leading to more moisture escaping from the skin and drier skin as a result
  • Taking in a balanced ratio of omega 3’s, 6’s and 9’s will have anti-inflammatory effects on the body and the skin. Unfortunately western diets with grains and vegetable oils tend to be higher in omega 6’s than 3’s
  • Increasing our intake of omega 3’s from oily fish may help with the balance of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut. And a happy gut equals happy skin

What do we need to know about Omega supplements?

  • The best source of essential omega 3’s – DHA and EPA – is in oily fish like mackerel or sardines and fish oil from these sources
  • And source of essential omega 6’s for skin – GLA – is in borage oil or evening primrose oil
  • Quality is important – a high quality fish oil is a must when choosing what to buy. Freshness, regular testing for mercury as well as sustainable fishing practices are all markers for quality
  • Cheaper fish oil capsules can sometimes contain rancid oils that will be more pro-inflammatory than anti-inflammatory
  • If you’re unsure, cut your fish oil capsule in half and smell… you’ll know if it smells like rancid oil!
  • If you’re consuming fish a couple of times per week. You’re unlikely to want to ‘correctively’ supplement omega 3’s. It would be more of a ‘supportive’ supplementation for dry skin to keep it soft and supple
  • Supportive supplementation – A supplement that contains both fish oil and borage or primrose oil will supply the body with the omega 3’s, 6’s & 9’s it needs to support healthy skin

How to supplement with Omega’s?

  • Omega supplements can either be a soft gel capsule or in a liquid form
  • Liquid is generally easier as you can take it once a day
  • Capsules are generally taken a few times per day. They’re good for those that don’t like the feeling of liquid fish oil (even though many are great tasting flavours these days)


COD LIVER OIL  for dry skin

Why is Cod Liver Oil helpful for dry skin?

  • Cod liver has all the amazing benefits of Omega 3’s… plus it also naturally contains vitamin A and D
  • Vitamin A is important for the creation and repair of skin cells. It helps slow the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin
  • on the other hand Vitamin D helps with skin cell production and repair

What do we need to know about Cod Liver Oil supplements?

  • Cod liver oil is ideal for those with dry, acne prone skin
  • Quality is important – Freshness, regular testing as well as sustainable fishing practices are all markers for quality
  • Also this liver oil should not be consumed by those that are pregnant or looking to conceive

How to supplement with Cod Liver Oil?

  • Cod liver oil can either be a soft gel capsule or in a liquid form
  • Also Liquid is generally easier as you can take it once a day
  • Capsules are generally taken a few times per day. They’re good for those that don’t like the feeling of liquid fish oil (even though many are great tasting flavours these days)



Why is Collagen helpful for dry skin?

  • Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It’s particularly important for providing structure within the skin
  • As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen… resulting in a greater chance of developing dry skin and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Eating or drinking collagen boosts the body’s own collagen production, helping to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin elasticity
  • Both Collagen and vitamin C are a power duo. Vitamin C helps provide the foundations for collagen to build upon

What do we need to know about Collagen supplements?

  • There are different types of collagen and gelatin
  • Gelatin – has the same amino acids as hydrolysed collagen, but it ‘gels’ in liquid forming a jelly (making it good for some desserts)
  • Hydrolysed collagen – is soluble in liquid making it easy to add to smoothies, soups, stews and drinks
  • Hydrolysed collagen can also processed in different ways to make it targeted to hair, skin and nails or to joint health
  • This Hydrolysed collagen also can be ‘generalised’ making it helpful for muscle recovery and gut health
  • This means that doing your research and knowing what you are wanting to achieve is critical to choosing a type of collagen
  • Quality is important – Look for grass-fed
  • Collagen powders that are flavourless and water soluble are very versatile
  • Hydrolysed collagen can be ‘naked’ or it can have extra nutrients added (like Camu Camu for Vitamin C support or greens)

How to supplement with Collagen?

  • Collagen can be a powder, or in the case of collagen targeted to skin, it can be in capsules
  • AlsoCollagen powders are easily dissolved in water, juice or your favourite smoothie
  • Even Collagen acts like a sponge with water. So the more hydrated someone is, the greater effectiveness the collagen will have with plumping up the skin


BONE BROTH for dry skin

Why is Bone Broth helpful for dry skin?

  • High quality bone broth is an excellent source of collagen
  • Bone broth is also a good source of hyaluronic acid which helps skin retain moisture. On a side note, hyaluronic acid is also found in many topical cosmetics, it helps hydrate skin by binding water
  • Bone broth contains the amino acids glycine & proline, which are critical building blocks for healthy hair, skin & nails
  • The glycine in bone broth is also extremely beneficial for the health and repair of our gut
  • Without a healthy gut, we’re unable to properly absorb all the beautiful nutrients that we’re eating for our skin

What do we need to know about Bone Broth?

  • Pre-made bone broth can be bought as powders or liquids
  • Or you can make it yourself at home. There are plenty of recipes online to help you make it yourself
  • Quality is important – Look for bone broth made from grass-fed and preferably organic bones or if you’re making it yourself, look for grass-fed bones

How to ‘supplement’ with Bone Broth?

  • You can treat bone broth like an ingredient in your meals, for example you can add it when cooking soups, stews and stir frys
  • Or you can enjoy it on its own with hot water as a nutrient dense warming drink (this is called a ‘brothie’ ;)) 


VITAMIN C  for dry skin

Why is Vitamin C helpful for dry skin?

  • Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the regulation of collagen in the skin and providing a supportive foundation. Collagen is essential for the structure of the skin barrier itself
  • One of the signs of scurvy (a condition of extreme vitamin C deficiency) is dry and rough skin
  • Also this Vitamin also helps protect skin cells from free radical damage
  • It helps to rejuvenate the appearance of skin, speed wound healing and protects against early signs of ageing

What do we need to know about Vitamin C supplements?

  • There are many stand alone vitamin C tablets and powders available …but naturally derived Vitamin C is generally better and causes less tummy irritation
  • Best = a whole food source of Vitamin C
  • Whole foods contain all of the other antioxidants, flavonoids and micronutrients needed to best absorb and utilise Vitamin C
  • The best whole food sources of Vitamin C are – Camu Camu, Acerola and Kakadu Plum
  • Camu Camu has the highest levels of natural Vitamin C of any food on the planet, followed by Kakadu Plum

How to supplement with Vitamin C?

  • Avoid consuming more than 1000mg of Vitamin C at one time
  • Split the dosing as it will be absorbed better


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Zare Rose Makin

Zare Rose Makin

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Hope this finds you well.
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